Thursday, April 7, 2011

Action Projects

Katie's project over domestic violence really caught my attention.  I was not aware of how many people have  dealt with domestic violence in their own home.  The numbers and statistics shocked me and anyone else who is slightly interested or caring about this topic would be greatly pleased.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Malicious Metal

As I look further into my research I still stand on the fact that metal music is not profane or inappropriate at all.  I found this because it's a form of entertainment, just because someone doesn't care for it, that doesn't make it "wrong" or "bad".  Like any other form of music metal has some very beautiful poetry in it, it's a shame no one takes the time to actually read the lyrics to prove they were wrong in the first place

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Music Is Corrupt or Not...

Many people say metal music is just a collection of random noises mixed with people screaming off the top of their lungs screaming about murder and killing people.  Obviously, people who say that are the ones who didn't even bother to look at the lyrics or see the music sheet to see what it really is about.  Unlike metal, I find rap to not only be corrupt, but not even appealing to a musical sense.  I've looked and listened to multiple rap songs and every single one is exactly alike.  The lyrics are only about sex, drugs, shooting people, and how much money they have.  Know I don't know about you but to me there is no meaning or even reason to have rap music around.  There is also absolutely no musical talent anyway.  Metal music has some of the most impossible guitar and drums in the songs where as rap there is only one person talking into a microphone while someone plays on a computer.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

country.jpg country music image by xaxcx

Today in Mrs. Smith's Period 2 English class, each group presented their own song in front of the entire class!  Each group consisted of 4-6 people and we had about a week to practice our country song.  We could either create our own or edit another one, so far, most of us had taken other country songs and replaced many of the words with our own and our SAT Vocab words.  After everyone has performed we will all vote to see who was the best, the winner will receive a very special prize.

The homework for tonight is: Read our banned book, Read Fahrenheit 451 pages 41-68 for the fishbowl, and see Mrs. Smith for our Macbeth Redo papers